A flux/change ( perishable to glorious; one level of Glory to another) in spirit soul due to applied extreme spiritSoul Energy levels is referred Transmutation, Transformation, Transfixation ( Change brought about by Determined righteousness Focus ), Transcendent, and Transfiguration (depending upon Beings or Objects involved; atomic nucleus , electromagnetic, chemical etc.): there is a Change is Structure, Character, Form, Substance. The basic Unit of unique Individuality ID being, stays static, at Core, however. ......... (1) Some who are very Enlightened and who's Physicality is also Spiritual, impart , irrespective of TimeSpace Zones ( having Transcended Physicality via Moral righteousness). (2) Gazing , reading Meditating the Written , depicts, viewing, Glances , Taste, Listening. Touch, and Proximity to Illuminated, causes Transfer & Sharing of Energy by former: these more Tangible are for Lesser illuminated than (1)- some SpaceTime matter Zone...